I moved on from The Leopold and lucked into a vegan counter service restaurant called Venuss. This place was awesome. The prices, portions, and quality were all just right. I got up to the register and learned that they do a 60% discount after 6 pm! What a find.
After my first round, I ran it back with another serving of Viennese dumplings, goulash, and beer. I enjoyed a nice chat with a German woman who was in Vienna for her work in hospitality. I declined her invitation for dessert at Venuss and instead went back to Veganista for two more scoops of their ice cream: one basil and one chocolate banana. I’m nothing if not a loyal customer.

I walked around Vienna’s neighborhoods as I made my way back to the hostel. On the way, I heard an irresistible sound: a basketball being dribbled. Like a dog on his favorite scent, I walked toward the noise. Things were hopping and bopping. Food vendors, a live Q&A session, and, most importantly, people were playing pickup basketball.

I stopped and played for a few games. 3-on-3 with one Austrian and three recent American college grads from the UCs and UW. It felt good and terrible to play. Good because I was playing basketball again. Bad because Ireland’s complete lack of basketball has me way out of practice. Anyways, a few wins and many missed layups later and it was time to call it a night.
Tomorrow it’s on to Bratislava, Slovakia where Abby and I will reunite for the weekend.