Today was all headwinds and 34C heat. For whatever reason, I have always associated wind with cold weather. Today disabused me of this belief. I intended to make it all the way to Zimincea but instead stopped for a rest in a park at around 1 pm in Turnu Magurele and never got going again.

So I booked a room at a spot called Rustic House. STAY HERE! This was one of the best stays so far. Rustic House is the home of a wonderful Romanian couple with an extra building where guests stay. It had AC and came with a delicious home-cooked meal for just a few euros more. I met a French couple there named Francis and Nicole.

The owner of Rustic House was an able mechanic and offered to take a look at anything wrong with my bike. He helped clean my chain and removed the sticks and stones that inevitably found their way into my cogs. A godsend.

After a wonderful vegetarian dinner (pea and potato stew preceded by a flavorful soup) and lot’s of my own storebought cookies, I passed the hell out.