Fragrant smells that I could almost taste wafted throughout today’s ride: flowers, fruits, vegetables, freshly wet roads, and more.
The ride was hard despite these wonderful aromas. My body is finally registering all the miles I’ve put in. That and my tires were underinflated. That’s enough complaining for one post.

I write this having just arrived at the campground in Dole with 25cl of delicious beer in front of me. Dole looks great; young people, open shops, oh my!

Today was a welcomed warm one without the clouds and rain I’ve had most days. It’s wild the impact weather can have on my mood, perspective, and reactions. It’s sunny in Dole, the campsite is centrally located, and I’m loving life.

I’ll camp here tonight then off to Besançon tomorrow. I heard from the lady at the tourist office that there is good vegan food there. The French must spend a lot on their tourism offices. They’re in almost every city and sizeable town. And, believe it or not, unlike every other fine establishment in France, the Tourist Offices are actually open!