Abby arrives in Bratislava in just a few hours. In the meantime, I’m relaxing in the only open cafe here, Káva. Today’s a bank holiday and Slovakia is taking it very seriously, as they should.
I’m sitting here re-reading Letters to a Young Contrarian and Hitchens is urging me “travel as much as (I) can.” I am, I promise. The more I travel the farther I want to go. And with this thought, I took his advice and travelled across the street to a French-style bakery called Le Miam.

I stumbled into the best almond croissant I’ve ever tasted. The bakers at Le Miam are dedicated professionals, croissant craftsmen.
I finished Letters and my croissant then walked over to a bus station to wait for Abby, the wrong bus station as it turned out. On the way, I stopped to have some fun on a swingset. Pure enjoyment. What is it about whooshing back and forth and up and down that’s so fun?