Today’s ride was short but felt long. My butt really hurts and Bart is a two stoplight town.
Just after lunch, I met an older german cyclist with long white hair wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt. He said to me unprompted, “I vwear blue jeans because deyre comfortable and I want to look like ‘hey he’s off to dah next bar’.” The man told me he tours to answer the question, “What next will I do with my life?”
So it’s not just me then.
Tomorrow I’ll ride all the way to Basel by way of Mulhouse. We’ll see how the ol’ butt cheeks respond.

There were no open restaurants in Bart. I lucked into finding a closing bakery though. They had a slice of pizza, a baguette, a savory cheese tart, and a four-pound bag of day-old croissants that I snagged for just 2eur. “I’ll take ’em all,” I said.

I recommend riding past or stopping short of Bart.